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Parenting is Parenting! Or is it?
Parenting, simply put, is the way in which we socialize our children. And because children do not come into the world with any social and emotional skills, parents use discipline to teach and guide their kids. We all want our children to be respectful, resourceful and...

Attachment and the Developing Child
The most complex organ in the universe is the human brain. It is now clear that what a child experiences in the first few years of life largely determines how his/her brain will develop and how he/she will interact with the world throughout their life (Ounce of...

Children Learn What They Live
Children learn what they live. This includes anger, hostility and aggression. The primary method of early learning is imitation (Gruber and Voneche, l977). Children imitate what they see, what they hear, and what they experience. They typically do not do what they are...

Adoption Trauma
Let’s be clear . . . for the infant, child or teen, adoption is a traumatic experience. The trauma of forever losing one’s maternal and paternal family tree, lineage, cultural identity, genetic mirroring, relationships, siblings, etc… will be...

What To Do With Challenging Behaviors!
We all enter the world ready to attach because this is how we get our most basic and primary needs met. The human infant, like other high functioning mammals, is completely dependent on their primary caregivers to get all of their needs met—survival, safety,...